GVS distribution centre – ground-breaking ceremony and start of construction in Friedewald

Despite the almost wintry conditions, this was an occasion to herald the warm winds of change. The directors and members of the GVS Group, the partners of GVS Immobilien GmbH, employees from the GVS head office and Mayor Dirk Noll gathered at the site of the new distribution centre in Friedewald for the symbolic ground-breaking ceremony. Coming after a long phase of planning and approval, this event saw one of the most successful trade groups for cleaning and maintenance in Germany give the green light for construction to start straight away.

The ground-breaking ceremony held on the company site at the Friedewald industrial estate was a watershed moment in the history of the GVS Group. Pictured (l. to r.): Authorised Officer Matthias Ikas, Director Klaus Agsteiner and Director Joachim Homberger.

The initial stage of construction on the 30,000 square metre plot will involve the building of a 4,000 square metre hall complex and the new administration department, which will feature 800 square metres of floor space on two levels. Both structures will feature an environmentally conscious design. Photovoltaic plants and heat pumps are used to provide an energy-efficient supply to the building complex.
The GVS Group is also taking action in its role as an attractive employer: around 20 positions will be created in the administration department alone, with additional employees being taken on in the area of logistics.

The total investment for the first stage of construction comes to around six million euros. Building work commenced shortly after the ground-breaking ceremony and it should be possible to move into the new premises by the end of the year. In the future, the new distribution centre in Friedewald will supply to all member companies of the GVS Group in Germany and strategic partners in Austria and Switzerland.

The new site will also serve as a meeting location for the committees of the trade group and as a training facility for the central training institute of the GVS Academy.

Shortly after the ground-breaking ceremony, the excavators moved in to begin work on the new distribution centre.

Featuring 18 primarily owner-run companies at 25 sites in Germany and three cooperation partners in Austria and Switzerland, the GVS Group has been an active player in system services for cleaning and maintenance since 1976. Its professional full product range contains over 60,000 items from all renowned industrial partners, supplemented by appealing private labels. The service profile of the Group stands out with solutions including site-specific supply to large-scale customers across different regions, training programmes throughout Germany in the GVS ACADEMY, a web-based order and goods management system (GVS ORDER MANAGER), a logistics full service package with a dedicated vehicle fleet (comprising over 200 vehicles) and a skilled field sales team with more than 180 specialist consultants. The GVS Group is also active on an international level in the DHYS wholesale network.